Science and Research

Research activities of the Department of Anatomy

Research projects

Neuroscience (Alzheimer's disease, imaging techniques in neuroscience, Prof. Petr Zach)

PGS students:

Dr. Tanya Rai - collaborative project with NUDZ, ESO database, morphology of the cortex in patients with schizophrenia (OR Neuroscience)

Dr. Alexandra Morozova - magnetic resonance imaging of CNS vascular supply, quantification of perivascular spaces (PVS) in patients with Alzheimer's disease (OR Neuroscience)

Dr. Nicoletta Olympiou - DTI study of the course and changes of fasciculus arcuatus and uncinatus fibers in patients with Alzheimer's disease (OR Neuroscience)

Dr. Martin Sheremeta - CNS changes in metabolic syndrome in a rabbit MRI model (OR Physiology)

Dr. Paolo Palma - Tracking the progression of schizoaffective disorder: longitudinal analysis of clinical, behavioral and brain biomarkers (OR Neuroscience) (supervisor Dr. Zaytseva)

dr. Zdeněk Wurst - Analysis of memory structure connectivity in different types of CNS pathologies (OR Neuroscience) (supervisor dr. Mrzílková)

Physical Anthropology (growth of children, growth charts - RNDr. Jitka Riedlová)

Experimental imaging of hard and soft tissues on micro-CT (the department is equipped with Bruker Skyscan micro-CT scanner - MUDr. Jana Mrzílková)

Research on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in a transgenic mouse model - RNDr. Zdeněk Musil, Ph.D.

Evolution of brain complexity and processing capacity in birds - Martin Kocourek, Ph.D.

Clinical Anatomy - Prof. MUDr. Václav Báča, Ph.D.

Last change: December 14, 2023 11:46 

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