When admitted

Congratulations on passing the entrance exam!

To get formally admitted get through the following topics:


Next step is to submit the following documents, which need to be sent in a paper form to the faculty address:

  • High-school leaving certificate must be:

    • verified copy (stamped and signed by a notary) of the original document

    • translated into Czech or English langugage

    • authenticated with an Apostille or Superlegalisation

  • Transcript including all marks/grades and number of hours

  • Copy of the first page of your passport

Faculty address:

Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University

Study Division - Marie Ghasemi

Ruská 87

100 00 Prague 10

Czech Republic

Request and pay the high-school certificate recognition fee CZK 960 in your online application:

- go to the "Proof of education" section

- choose "a foreign document concerning a foreign secondary education (it will be assessed)"

- pay the recognition fee CZK 960 by card (or bank transfer)

It is highly recommended to send the documents as soon as possible.

- the latest deadline for sending the documents is the day of your enrolment to study in September, but be aware that you can only be officially admitted to the faculty after submitting the documents.

- especially for students in need of VISA it is necessary to send it as soon as possible.

We accept general all purpose nostrification.

Before arrival

  • Health insurance

All international students are required to have health insurance to help cover unexpected medical expenses. While EU citizens' medical expenses are fully or partly covered by their domestic insurance, US and other citizens need individually to arrange student health insurance with local or other insurance companies. Having health insurance is also a prerequisite to get a visa.

  • Visa

If you need a visa, please apply to a Czech Embassy or Consulate well in advance, i.e., three months prior to your departure. Your Letter of Admission from the Dean of the Third Faculty of Medicine, which you will obtain as a successful applicant, will allow you to get one for the initial period of your study in the Czech Republic.

For more information: Entry requirements - visa

  • Accommodation

You can arrange private accommodation or get accommodated at the university dorms. If you are interested in accommodation at the university dormitories, the study division helps freshmen to arrange it. In this case make sure to save yourself a spot at the dorms and send a request to marie.ghasemi@lf3.cuni.cz.

For more details you can visit the dorm website here.

After arrival

  • Enrolment for new students

Enrolment is the process by which you become a student of the faculty.

It takes place before the beginning of the new academic year (usually in the end of September) at the Faculty building or at Welcoming camp Dobronice for freshers at the beginning of September.

To the enrolment bring all the documents listed below:

• A passport or another proof of identity

Health certificate and vaccination form – you can download it here and get confirmed by your GP.

It is required to be vaccinated against Hepatitis B and Measles before you start your practice in the first study year.

To settle easily at the faculty you can read following helpful guides: Vademecum, Charles University guide.

For a better picture you can also check out the online adaptation course videos including all different topics such as Welcome to the Charles University, guide to the information system or student well-being and support!

Here you can also follow the schedule of the Academic year

  • Reporting requirement

If you are a citizen of the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland, you are required to report any stay of longer than 30 days in the Czech Republic to the local Foreign Police Department. See details on the Czech Ministry of the Interior website.

Tuition fee

Student is obliged to pay the fee related to the study in foreign language in the master’s study program General Medicine taken in English,

in the amount of CZK 420 000 per one academic year.

The deadline to pay the tuition fee is due to 30th October, by bank transfer to the following bank account:

Name of the account:

Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine

Bank name:

Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka, Branch (corporate)


Na Porici 24, 115 20 Prague 1, Czech Republic

Account number:


SWIFT code



CZ 82 0300 0000 0005 0008 1433

Don't forget to put your name and surname and VARIABLE SYMBOL, which you can find on the Decision on tuition fee you received during your enrolment.

Useful websites

Regulations for organisation of the studies

Student information system https://is.cuni.cz/

Výuka application https://inis17.lf3.cuni.cz/vyuka/

Moodle https://dl3.cuni.cz/

Electronic timetable https://rozvrh.lf3.cuni.cz/

Faculty facebook https://www.facebook.com/3lfuk

CAS password change/update https://ldapuser.cuni.cz/


The study division is available for you via e-mail or phone from Monday to Friday,

7:30am - 12pm and 1pm - 4pm.

Or personally during the office hours:


7:30 - 12:00


13:00 - 15:30


7:30 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 18:00


7:30 - 12:00


7:30 - 12:00

The office is located in the faculty building B, room 205, 2nd floor

Marie Ghasemi

Officer for admission, 1st + 2nd study year of Master programme General Medicine in English

+420 26710 2189

room 205, 2nd floor, building B

Daniela Lvová

Head of Study Division

+420 267 102 205

+420 725 812 057

room 209b, 2nd floor, building B

Last change: October 10, 2024 14:47 

Third Faculty of Medicine

Charles University

Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 10

Czech Republic

Phone.: +420 267 102 111

Data Box ID: piyj9b4

ID No.: 00216208, VAT No.: CZ00216208

How to reach us

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