• Students
  • Students' Research Activity, Compulcory Optional Courses and Optional Subjects

Students' Research Activity, Compulcory Optional Courses and Optional Subjects

Student´s Research Activity, Compulcory Optional Courses and Optional Subjects for academic year 2024-2025

Student Scientific Activity - declaration22.10.2024
Student Research Activity for academic year 2024-2025 v414.02.2025
COC and OS 2024-202516.04.2024
Application for SRA 2024-202528.05.2024

Student´s Research Activity, Compulcory Optional Courses and Optional Subjects for academic year 2023-2024

Student Research Activity for academic year 2023-2024 v719.03.2024
COC and OS30.05.2023
Application for SRA 2023-202430.05.2023


Student´s Research Activity, Compulcory Optional Courses and Optional Subjects for academic year 2022-2023

Student Research Activity for academic year 2022-2023 v201.02.2023
Declaration of SRA 2022-202331.01.2023
COC and OS28.04.2022
Application for SRA 2022-202328.04.2022

Student´s Research Activity, Compulcory Optional Courses and Optional Subjects for academic year 2021-2022

Student Research Activity for academic year 2021-2022 v416.08.2022
COC and OS19.04.2021
Application for SRA 2021-202228.05.2021

Student´s Research Activity, Compulcory Optional Courses and Optional Subjects for academic year 2020-2021

Student Research Activity for academic year 2020-202112.04.2021
Student Research Activity for academic year 2020-202112.04.2021
COC and OS29.04.2020
Application for SRA 2020-202125.05.2020

Student´s Research Activity, Compulcory Optional Courses and Optional Subjects for academic year 2019-2020

Student Research Activity for academic year 2019-2020v206.03.2020
Student Research Activity for academic year 2019-2020v206.03.2020
Informations and Manual for Registration (COS & OS) in SIS01.09.2016
COC and OS30.04.2019
Application for SRA 2019-202030.04.2019

Student´s Research Activity, Compulcory Optional Courses and Optional Subjects for academic year 2018-2019

Student Research Activity for academic year 2018-201908.03.2019
Student Research Activity for academic year 2018-201908.03.2019
Informations and Manual for Registration (COS & OS) in SIS01.09.2016
COC and OS05.06.2018
Application for SRA 2018-201931.05.2018

Student´s Research Activity, Compulcory Optional Courses and Optional Subjects for academic year 2017-2018

Student Research Activity for academic year 2017-2018 (2017-10-10)10.10.2017
Student Research Activity for academic year 2017-2018 (2017-10-10)10.10.2017
Informations and Manual for Registration (COS & OS) in SIS01.09.2016
COC and OS02.05.2017

Student´s Research Activity, Compulcory Optional Courses and Optional Subjects for academic year 2016-2017

Student Research Activity for academic year 2016-2017 (2017-03-27)27.03.2017
Student Research Activity for academic year 2016-2017 (2017-03-27)27.03.2017
Instruction for PVK Endoscopic, laparoscopic and robotic urology01.11.2016
Informations and Manual for Registration (COS & OS) in SIS01.09.2016
COC and OS29.04.2016

Student research activity for academic year 2015-2016

Student Research Activity for academic year 2015-201618.04.2016
Student Research Activity for academic year 2015-201618.04.2016

Student research activity for academic year 2014-2015

Student Research Activity for academic year 2014-201530.04.2015
Student Research Activity for academic year 2014-201530.04.2015
Application for SRA 2014-201505.05.2014

Student research activity for academic year 2013-2014

Student Research Activity for academic year 2013-201430.06.2014
Student Research Activity for academic year 2013-201430.06.2014
Informations and Manual for Registration (COS & ES) in SIS10.07.2013
Application for SRA 2013-201403.06.2013

Student research activity for academic year 2012-2013

Student Research Activity for academic year 2012-201319.02.2013
Application for SRA 2012-201330.04.2012

Last change: May 30, 2023 13:25 

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