Doctoral Studies

The course of the Postgraduate Doctorate Studies pertaining to the study programme available at Charles University is realized according to the law no. 111/1998 Sb. § 47 and with regards to internal regulations of the University and its respective faculties.

The Doctorate Studies at the Third Faculty of Medicine implement a syllabus meant for graduates of higher education institutions. Thus the main conditions of acceptance to any offered Ph.D. study programme are prior university studies completed with the acquisition of a diploma and a successful completion of the admissions process. The enrollment is open for alumni with any master’s degree, czech or foreing, including engineering-type studies graduates (MSc). Previous studies at Charles University are not a necessity.

  • The programme can be attended to either in its full-time form or as a combined (part-time, extra-mural) form of studies.

  • The standard time frame necessary to complete the studies is 4 years, the maximum permitted is 8.

  • Full-time students of the PhD programme without a permanent place to stay in Prague are offered housing at university dormitories.

  • The course of studies is carried out according to an individual study plan and under the guidance of a supervisor.

  • Students attending to studies in the above described full-time manner will be supported by a scholarship.

  • The Doctorate Studies are overseen and evaluated by relevant Subject Area Boards (SAB) established in accordance with internal regulations concerning the particular accredited study programmes.

  • The members of the PhD Study Board are appointed as well as dismissed from their positions by the university Rector on behalf of a proposition submitted by the Deans of respective faculties.

The postgraduate studies are duly concluded by a State Doctoral Examination and an oral defence of a doctoral thesis. The academic degree of a ‘Doctor’ (abbreviated to ‘Ph.D.’ written post-nominally) shall be bestowed on graduates after the full completion of their respective study programmes.

Last change: October 25, 2021 13:39 

Third Faculty of Medicine

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