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Welcome, this website is devoted to the evaluation system of the Third Faculty of Medicine. The aim of this system is to increase our school’s teaching quality through feedback. The evaluation database is available at https://evaluace.lf3.cuni.cz/.

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How it works

Evaluation writing

Students at our faculty have the opportunity to provide feedback to specific teaching units (lectures, seminars, practical lessons) and to subjects in general as well (semestral evaluation). Both types of evaluation (evaluation of the teaching unit, semestral evaluation) can be filled in within the Výuka application. There you can find tips for writing the semestral evaluation feedback. Tips regarding the evaluation of the teaching unit are currently being worked on.


All evaluations are anonymous. Each evaluation is only connected to its author deep within the electronic system in order to avoid multiple evaluations. Only the IT department has access to this information, teachers do not. In addition, the IT department is forbidden to provide any of this information in order to prevent its misuse.

Evaluation of teaching units

When an evaluation of a teaching unit is filled in, it is sent to the selected teacher. The goal of these evaluations lies in providing teachers with feedback so they know what makes their lesson valuable or how they could possibly improve it. Teachers also have the opportunity to react to their students’ evaluation. These reactions can be found at the evaluation database.

Semestral evaluation

The meaning of the semestral evaluations lies in providing feedback for a subject as a whole. Their influence is significant regarding possible systemic changes in the teaching of the subject. These evaluations are analysed once the semester is over. Course guarantors then write a report to the vice-dean for undergraduate education and student affairs summarizing the results and drawing conclusions. Semesteral evaluations are also revised by the evaluation committee. Conclusions resulting from these evaluations are then passed to the study committee, which has the opportunity to implement the suggestions. In order to make a decision that could notably affect the future teaching of a subject it is necessary that at least 10% of students evaluate the subject.

Evaluation Committee

Our main goal is to improve the quality and quantity of evaluations from students at our faculty in order to improve our education.

This will be achieved by:

  • Emphasizing the importance of the evaluation system.

  • Improving the evaluation system itself - making it more specific and relevant. This will allow us to receive more accurate information which could be analyzed and implemented.

  • Transparency - sharing more information to the students and making the system more accessible.

  • And most importantly - Cooperation with the students, the guarantors and the teachers.

    Together, we will improve the education at our faculty

Materials for download

Semestral evaluation hint

Contact us

Last change: May 24, 2023 12:58 

Third Faculty of Medicine

Charles University

Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 10

Czech Republic

Phone.: +420 267 102 111

Data Box ID: piyj9b4

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