• Graduates
  • Information for the alumni concerning the degree certifisates of a completed study programme (a major)

Information for the alumni concerning the degree certifisates of a completed study programme (a major)

1. A Degree certificate (usually in a respective study field) and acquiring of the title BMSc./MD is the university diploma.

This fundamental proof of qualification together with the appendix to the diploma can be used for national or international purposes to facilitate academic as well as professional recognition and mobility. The appendix to the diploma is published as a bilingual document (Czech-English).

2. During the time period before receiving the diploma these documents published by the 3rd Faculty of Medicine immediately after the completion of studies can be used as a degree certificate of completed studies.

a) The degree certificate of completed studies (designated for the alumni of the English curriculum)

b) The degree certificate of completed studies (designated for the alumni of the Czech curriculum).

Both documents are published in Czech-English version.

3. The application of diplomas and appendices in CZE:

The Degree certificates of a completed study programme (and a respective field) are as a rule presented in the form of an officially certified copy in Czech Republic. The compliance of the duplicate or the copy of the document with its original (vidimation) based on the submitted original and its copy or duplicate will be carried out by any county office, municipal authority with widespread authority (+ municipal authorities whose register is set by regulation no. 36/2006 Coll.), estate office, notary office, Czech Post and Czech Chamber of Commerce. The amount of the administrative fee totals 30 CZK for every complete as well as incomplete verified page of the presented document in A4 paper size. Considering that the diplomas from Charles University of Prague include an embossed component it is advisable in case of failure to verify said documents at the contact centres Czech POINT by the notary office.

4. The application of diplomas and appendices abroad:

The documents submitted or certified by the contact centres Czech POINT cannot be used abroad. They are viable only for domestic use for the time being.

Depending on the country the diploma is supposed to be used in as a Degree certificate, the following methods of certification are used:

a) in countries with which the Czech Republic has concluded a mutual international treaty on legal assistance, which adjusts the exemption from the obligation to verify the degree certificates published in CZE by further verification in the respective country, the diplomas issued in the Czech Republic can be used without further verification.

Even in these cases so called “Legalization of the diploma” is recommended, consisting in verifying the original diploma or its certified copy by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (Karmelitská 7, 118 01 Prague 1, building C, 2nd floor, office n. 202, office hours: Monday and Wednesday 9-12 and 13-17, contact person Ing. Jiří Johánek - tel. 234 811 532). Alongside the original or a certified copy of the diploma it is required to also submit a revenue stamp worth 30 CZK per 1 document (not per 1 page).

b) if the diploma will be used in states which are a contracting party of Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, a higher level of authentication of the diploma is necessary – so called apostille. The facilitation of the verification lies basically in a single formal act, i.e. in procuring the document with an apostille clause; no further verification of the document is necessary, e.g. by the embassy of the state in which the diploma will be used (so called super-legalization). This final verification of the diploma is carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  Consular department – section legalization (Hradčanské sq. 5 110 00 Prague 1, tel. 224 182 188, 224 182 153, fax: 224 182 527, e-mail: legalizace@mzv.cz, office hours: Monday and Wednesday 8-12 and 13.30– 17). An apostille is always in Czech and it can be attached only to the diploma itself or its officially certified copy, not to its official translation to a foreign language. Since abroad it is often required to have an official translation of the apostille, we recommend to have it translated only in a country where the diploma will be presented. The apostille is available while you wait or by mail, the administrative fee is 100 CZK in the form of a stamp.

A prerequisite for the apostillization of the diploma is a prior verification by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. It follows that the recommended procedure for applying of a diploma abroad: firstly having the diploma or its notarially certified copy verified by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and subsequently by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

c) For other countries it is necessary to firstly verify the diploma by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (as described above), then by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and thereafter super-legalize it by a representative office of the State in which it is to be used, relevant for the Czech Republic (super-legalization).

5. Translation of the diploma to a foreign language:

In order to facilitate the translation of the original Latin version of the diploma to various world languages the models of all the published diplomas in Latin and their Czech translations have been posted on the university website – see http://www.cuni.cz/UK-3955.html.

Considering that in most cases the diploma has to be officially verified (more or less), it is recommended to proceed so that the diploma intended to apply in a foreign country is first of all accredited with all the certifications needed (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports; Apostille;  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic; super-legalization by the embassy) and submitted afterwards to a court translator who will ensure official translation of the text, verification clause included. A list of translators authorised for official translations can be found at: http://datalot.justice.cz/justice/repznatl.nsf/$$SearchForm?OpenForm

Last change: February 21, 2018 22:27 

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