Regulations and Fees

Faculty bank details

Student is obliged to pay the fee related to the study in foreign language in the master’s study program General Medicine taken in English,

in the amount stated in the contract/decision on tuition fee.

The faculty is receptive to the students paying the tuition fee in multiple installments according to a repayment schedule, in case they are in a difficult financial situation.

Tuition fee should be paid by bank transfer to the following bank account (the faculty does not accept cash). It is also possible to pay in EUR or USD, only check the current exchange rate with your bank.

The student is to cover all bank expenses, i.e. you should tick this option in your payment order.

Name of the account:

Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine

Bank name:

Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka, Branch (corporate)


Na Porici 24, 115 20 Prague 1, Czech Republic

Account number:


SWIFT code



CZ 82 0300 0000 0005 0008 1433

Don't forget to put your name and surname and variable symbol, which you can find on the Decision on tuition fee you received during your enrolment.

You can find the details about your payments in the SIS - payments and fees.

Statutes, Internal Regulations, Dean´s Directives and Orders

Fees Associated with Studies

Last change: April 19, 2023 12:06 

Third Faculty of Medicine

Charles University

Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 10

Czech Republic

Phone.: +420 267 102 111

Data Box ID: piyj9b4

ID No.: 00216208, VAT No.: CZ00216208

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