
Address of Faculty

Charles University

Third Faculty of Medicine

100 00 Prague 10

Czech Republic

tel.: + 420 267 102 111

IČO: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208

Bank Account

Account No: 0500081433/0300

Bank Address: Československá obchodní banka, Na Poříčí 24, Praha 1, 115 20, CR


IBAN: CZ 82 0300 0000 0005 0008 1433 

Vinohrady Health Care Compoud

Barrier-free access

1. From the Volyňská stop (bus no. 175)

2. From the Bělocerkevská

3. From the Kubánské náměstí stop

Follow possible changes to bus and tram lines on the transport company's website at

Last change: November 1, 2023 14:21 

Third Faculty of Medicine

Charles University

Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 10

Czech Republic

Phone.: +420 267 102 111

Data Box ID: piyj9b4

ID No.: 00216208, VAT No.: CZ00216208

How to reach us

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