• Doctoral Study

Doctoral Study

The Third Faculty of Medicine offers a doctoral study programme Biomedicine for graduates of higher education institutions. The programme runs both as a full-time and combined (part-time) study; the length of full-time study is 3 years. A complete higher education and a success in entrance examination are prerequisites for enrolment into this programme. The postgraduate study shall be completed in due form by a State Doctoral Examination and a defence of a doctoral dissertation. The graduates shall be awarded the academic degree “Doctor” (abbreviated to “Ph.D.” behind the name).

Disciplines of Doctoral Study in Biomedicine

  • Anthropology

  • Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry

  • Cell Biology and Pathobiology

  • Experimental Surgery

  • Pharmacology and Toxicology

  • Human Physiology and Pathophysiology

  • Immunology

  • Medical Biophysics

  • Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and Virology

  • Neurosciences

  • Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology

  • Developmental Biology

Offer of topics for Ph.D. study projects in Third Faculty of Medicine


Vademecum - Guide to doctoral postgraduate studies

Vademecum - guide to doctoral postrgraduate studies

Last change: June 11, 2024 14:26 
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