Tutoring system

The Board of Tutors serves all students of master‘s and bachelor‘s programmes without regard to their study language and year of study. The assignment of the Board is set by the Dean‘s Board as follows:

  1. The tutors help students during the Cycle I to adapt to the university setting and to the way of teaching and learning within the integrated curriculum.

  2. If needed they arrange contact between students and a responsible vice–dean or other officials of the faculty. They provide for student's orientation in the array of social and psychological services that are available to students. In case of emergency they mediate medical or psychological assistance.

  3. They arrange or provide for counseling and guidance to students facing study problems or difficult social situation.

  4. They keep students informed about opportunities for student research activities and elective courses.

  5. They participate actively in the analysis of feedback and evaluation of faculty teaching process.

  6. In the course of the cycle II and III they help students to choose their specialization and coach them toward their future profession.

To summarize, the Board of Tutors serves students for swift and flexible solving of issues relating directly to their study, as well as to organizational and social matters, to the field of student research, and to future job opportunities.

Tutors are at student's disposal usually upon previous appointment, preferably by e-mail. In your own interest do not put off contacts with a tutor while in trouble – delaying a solution usually complicates the matter for students themselves. In case of emergency it is possible to contact the co-ordinator of tutors MUDr. David Marx, Ph.D. by phone (+420 724 292 312).

Last change: February 21, 2018 22:27 

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