Operating Rules for Using Lockers

  1. The lockers situated in the entrance corridor of the faculty building are available for the students of the Third Faculty of Medicine. They should be used for a temporary storage of outer wear and back packs while students are at the faculty. Use is free of charge.

  2. The keys are available at the Security office on presentation of the Student’s Identity Card. Money, jewellery and valuables should not be stored in the lockers. The lockers must be locked and the key held in student’s safekeeping.

  3. The maximum interval of use for the lockers is Monday-Friday.

  4. After finishing the use of the lockers (Friday 8 p.m. the latest) the student has to empty the locker and return the key to the porter.

  5. Any damage of the lockers should be reported to the Security office promptly.

  6. In case of a broken lock (the locker cannot be unlocked before leaving) the students should report this to the security officer who will arrange to have it opened or repaired by the next working day.

  7. All lockers must be emptied by Friday 8 p. m. The Third Faculty of Medicine has the right to open them for safety reasons. Two authorised persons - the security officer and one member of the Third Faculty of Medicine unlock the lockers and check them. There will be report made, the students‘ things marked and secured in a special room. The copies of the „Opening report“ will be stored at the Dean’s Secretariat. To retrieve personal items students must: present ID, describe the content, sign receipt. If the stored things are not picked up by the owner in three months, the Third Faculty of Medicine has the right to use them at its discretion.

  8. Any excemtpions from these rules can be approved by the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Education and Student Affairs.

Last change: October 19, 2021 11:22 

Third Faculty of Medicine

Charles University

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