Master's Pledge

MASTER´S PLEDGE of graduate of Master's programme of study „General Medicine“ for the degree of the Doctor of Medicine on Charles University.

In Latin


Doctorandi clarissimi, examinibus, quae ad eorum, qui in arte medica doctoris nomen ac honores consequi student, doctrinam et facultatem explorandam lege constituta sunt, cum laude superatis, nos adistis desiderantes, ut vos eo honore in hoc solemni consessu ornaremus.

Prius autem fides est danda, vos tales semper futuros, quales vos esse iubebit dignitas, quam obtinueritis, et nos vos fore speramus.

Spondebitis igitur

PRIMUM vos huius Universitatis, in qua summum in arte medica gradum ascenderitis, piam perpetuo memoriam habituros, eiusque res ac rationes, quoad poteritis, adiuturos:

DEIN honorem eum, quem in vos collaturus sum, integrum incolumemque servaturos:

POSTREMO doctrinam, qua vos nunc polletis, cum industria vestra culturos et cum omnibus incrementis, quae progrediente tempore haec ars ceperit, aucturos et in prosperitatem hominum studiose conversuros, denique cunctis officiis, quae probum medicum sponsioni Hippocraticae obtemperantem decent, ea quae par est humanitate erga quemcunque functuros esse;




Itaque iam nihil impedit, quominus honores quos obtinere cupitis, vobis impertiamus.

Ergo ego promotor rite constitutus vos ex decreto ordinis mei medicinae universae doctores creo, creatos renuntio omniaque medicinae universae doctoris iura ac privilegia potestatemque universam artem medicam exercendi in vos confero. In cuius rei fidem haec diplomata Universitatis Carolinae sigillo firmata vobis in manus trado.

In English


Dear students, you have successfully passed all examinations prescribed by law to examine the knowledge of those who apply for the degree of the Doctor of Medicine.

You are now approaching us with a request to award you on this great occasion the degree you apply for.

Firstly, however, you must take the solemn pledge that you will always behave in the way enjoined by this honorable degree you are going to be awarded as well as in accordance with our expectations.

You shall therefore pledge to:

First of all, keep this university, which shall award you a doctor's degree, in your grateful memory, and support its activity and interests as much as you can;

Next, preserve the degree I shall shortly bestow on you untarnished and in good repute.

Finally, earnestly advance the knowledge you have acquired, to keep learning and ceaselessly enlarge your knowledge with new findings and discoveries, and to turn your knowledge into good use for the advance of humankind, and to fulfill all your duties as any and every doctor of medicine should according to Hippocrates' oath, and to proceed and approach everybody with proper humanness.

Do you take this pledge upon your conscience?

One by one, graduates take the pledge on the mace: I promise and swear.


Now there is nothing which would prevent us from awarding you the degree you wish to achieve.

Therefore, I, the legally appointed promotor of the Faculty, by the power of my office award you doctors of general medicine and publicly announce your degree and confer upon you all the rights and privileges of the doctors of general medicine, including the practice of medical profession. To prove this, please accept your official diplomas with the seal of Charles University.

Last change: February 21, 2018 22:27 

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