
Third Faculty of Medicine is not part of the framework agreement between Microsoft and Charles University and is therefore not covered by the Enrollment for Education Solution (EES) licensing program. Our students and staff can still use Office 365 under an A1 license, which allows you to use most online services, including 5TB of OneDrive cloud storage.

Desktop and mobile versions of Office applications cannot be installed under this license.

How to sign in

  1. Go to the

  2. Click Signin

  3. In the Username box we will write your login in the form of, where the personal_number is exactly what you will find on your UK CARD under the photo

  4. The page automatically directs us to log in to THE CAS. Here we log in in the already known way, i.e. either the person's number or the assigned login name and password.

  5. You should now be greeted by your Office 365 experience

Last change: December 15, 2020 11:15 

Third Faculty of Medicine

Charles University

Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 10

Czech Republic

Phone.: +420 267 102 111

Data Box ID: piyj9b4

ID No.: 00216208, VAT No.: CZ00216208

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