MUDr. Martin Seifert

Head of the Division of General Practice

Martin Seifert graduated in general medicine at the 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University in 2009. He gained his basic practice mainly at the III. internal medicine clinic, at the Department of Rehabilitation and other workplaces of the General University Hospital in Prague. He then worked for over two years at the Department of Neurological Rehabilitation in Regensburg, Germany. Only there did he definitely decide to devote his professional life to primary care and returned to his home in Prague. He specialized in General Practice in 2015.

As part of postgraduate education, he completed, among many other professional courses, the Course of Myoskeletal Medicine and the Course of Basic Psychosomatic Care. In September 2017, he completed a five-year psychotherapeutic psychodynamic training focusing on psychosomatics. Since then, he has engaged in psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic practice. In 2019, he acquired the specialization diploma in the field of Psychosomatic Medicine. He has been working on psychosomatic issues for years. In 2023, he was a main author and the team-coordinator of the Guidelines for General Practitioners on Functional and persistent somatic symptoms: Psychosomatic approach. He also wrote chapters on communication, core values and psychosomatic medicine in the two editions of the book General Practice (Galén, 2019 and 2023) and in the Textbook Primary care for students. As part of his postgraduate studies, he does research on perceptions of medical care of the patients with persistent somatic symptoms and their GPs.

Since July 2013, he has been working in Karlín, Prague, as a general practitioner in his office. Besides, he works as a psychosomatic physician. Since 2014 he has been teaching General Practice and Psychosomatic medicine at the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles Universtiy. Since February 2020, he has been working at the Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, as the head of the Division of General Practice which he founded and whose activities he enthusiastically develops.

He used to be and active member of the Council of the Young GPs. Currently, he is a member of the Accreditation commitee for General Practice of the Ministry of Health and a national representative in the EGPRN Council. He lectures at Czech and international conferences and greatly appreciates personal contacts all over the world, especially among family and general practitioners, whose offices he also visited during internships. Besides work, he loves his family, music, mountains and yoga under the guidance of PhDr. Jiří Čumpelík, Ph.D.

Last change: August 30, 2023 09:05 

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