Science and Research

History of scientific research General Biology and Genetics Institute 3. LF UK

A biology started beeing taught as an independent line at the former Medical Hygienic faculty since 1970, when teoretic lines were founded. The biology existed as Department of Epidemiology and Biology Desk, afterward Social Medicine and Biology Desk, since 1992 existed as independent Institute of General biology 3.MF UK, since 1999 existed as Department of General biology and Genetics of a Biomedical lines Centr at 3.MF and since 2006 as Institut of General Biology and Genetics.

Laboraty of Genotoxikology was interested in research of antimutagenic effects of radioactivity-protective substances, since 1976 untill today has been interested in genetoxic effects of mycotoxins and others toxins. In these days the research is been focused in anti-genetoxic effects of chemoprotektive nature origin substances and in acquired chromosomal aberations, their foundation for tumor deseases predictions. The research has been realized within the suport of grants IGA, GA CR, FRVS, GA UK and Enviroment Office departmant CR. Grants has been realized within a cooperation of Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and of others.

Last change: December 3, 2018 11:43 

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