Department of Languages at the Third Faculty of Medicine provides mainly teaching and testing of medical terminology for the specialty General Medicine in the English curriculum. Students are taught Greek-Latin medical terminology, Czech for foreigners and can also attend classes in academic communication in English.
The course Czech for Foreigners is designed for foreign students whose native language is not Czech. Language competence is the first step toward building language skills for special purposes (Medical Czech). It is essential that students successfully complete the course before enrolling in other courses focused on medical communication in Czech. During the course, students learn how to take a complete medical history from Czech speaking patients. In the seminars, students also learn how to solve communication problems they may encounter during their studies in various hospital departments.
At present these subjects are taught:
Czech Intensive Course
Czech language I.
Czech language II.
Czech language-Communication with Patients
Advanced Czech Communication for Medical Purposes
For further information on the subjects see:
The course is designed as an introduction to the language of medicine. The course focuses on the origins of medical terms, language analysis, and grammatical structures (Latin as well as Greek). Such an understanding of specialized terminology is essential for its correct lexical and grammatical use. As students familiarize themselves with the structure of Latin and Greek medical terminology, they will learn to analyze the terms from grammatical, morphological, and even etymological points of view as well as learn to use them functionally.
For further information on the subject see:
The course is aimed at Czech and foreign students who want to develop their communication skills in academic English, both written and spoken. This course is intended to develop English proficiency in the field of academic communication in the sciences and medicine, with special attention devoted to professional use. Classes are used to develop and practice strategies that will enable students to read, understand, discuss, and communicate academic information effectively and efficiently. On completion, students should be more comfortable and confident in expressing themselves in English, particularly in academic settings. This increased comfort and confidence should extend to one-to-one conversations, lecture presentations, professional (peer) presentations, professional emailing, and E-Learning presentations.
For further information on the subject see:
Third Faculty of Medicine
Charles University
Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 10
Czech Republic
Phone.: +420 267 102 111
Data Box ID: piyj9b4
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