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Science Slam on the Student research conference





13:45 - 14:15

Burianova lecture hall

Third Faculty of Medicine

What did Noah wrong during the planning of the Arch? Why he should recruit the army of molecular biologists? And how can learning a new language help with cancer treatment?

The Science Slam event on the Student research conference will take you from rodent to space! This year introducing also a special guest from abroad.

Science Slam is a competition organized in many countries across Europe. The competitors are young scientists, who are going to take you to their fields of research.

The rules are simple: six minutes time limit, no projectors and powerpoint presentation and shining charisma. After all of that you will get an opportunity to ask whatever you want (about the research!) and at the end decide, who is the winner.

This year you might be looking forward to the special selection of Science Slam speakers not only from a variety of fields but also from the variety of places. You will hear the story about colourful animals and look for life in the remote universe. You will meet students of molecular biology or a successful sci-fi writer. Special guest of this year is Margherita d´Errico, student from German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, participant of Famelab competition 2018 in Germany who will tell you more about epigenetic signatures, which can predict the future.

Discover the science together! Come to #ScienceSlam

Event start 22 May 2018 at 13:45
Event end 22 May 2018 at 14:15
Organiser 3 FM CU
Venue Burianova lecture hall, Ruská 87, Praha 10
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