

  • ROSSMEISLOVA, L., KRAZUOVA, E., KOC, M., WILHELM, M., SEBO, V., VARALIOVA, Z., SRAMKOVA, V., SCHOUTEN, M., SEDIVY, P., TUMA, P., KOVAR, J., LANGIN, D., GOJDA, J., SIKLOVA, M. Obesity alters adipose tissue response to fasting and refeeding in women: A study on lipolytic and endocrine dynamics and acute insulin resistance. Helioyn (Cell Press). 2024 Sep;10(18):e37875.

  • SIKLOVA, M., SRAMKOVA, V., KOC, M., KRAUZOVA, E., CIZKOVA, T., ONDRUJOVA, B., WILHELM, M., VARALIOVA, Z., KUDA, O., NEUBERT, J., LAMBERT, L., ELKAFAL, M., GOJDA, J., ROSSMEISLOVA L.. The role of adipogenic capacity and dysfunctional subcutaneous adipose tissue in the inheritance of type 2 diabetes mellitus: cross-sectional study. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2024 Mar;32(3):547-559.


  • GOJDA, J., KOUDELKOVA, K., OURADOVA, A., LANG, A., KRBCOVA, M., GVOZDEVA, A., SEBO, V., SLAGMOLEN, L., POTOCKOVA, J., TUMA, P., ROSSMEISLOVA, L., ANDEL M., KARPE, F., SCHLESINGER, S. Severe COVID-19 associated hyperglycemia is caused by beta cell dysfunction: a prospective cohort study. Nutr Diabetes. 2023 Jul 17;13(1):11.


  • WILHELM, M., ROSSMEISLOVA, L., SIKLOVA, M. 2022. Approaches to Measuring the Activity of Major Lipolytic and Lipogenic Enzymes In Vitro and Ex Vivo. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep 21;23(19):11093.

  • STEPAN, M., DADOVÁ, K., MATOUS, M., KRAUZOVA, E., SONTAKOVA, L., KOC, M., LARSEN, T., KUDA, O., STICH, V., ROSSMEISLOVA, L. & SIKLOVA, M. 2022. Exercise Training Combined with Calanus Oil Supplementation Improves the Central Cardiodynamic Function in Older Women. Nutrients, 14.


  • ROSSMEISLOVA, L., GOJDA, J. & SMOLKOVA, K. 2021. Pancreatic cancer: branched-chain amino acids as putative key metabolic regulators? Cancer and Metastasis Reviews.

  • KOC, M., WALD, M., VARALIOVA, Z., ONDRUJOVA, B., CIZKOVA, T., BRYCHTA, M., KRACMEROVA, J., BERANOVA, L., PALA, J., SRAMKOVA, V., SIKLOVA, M., GOJDA, J. & ROSSMEISLOVA, L. 2021. Lymphedema alters lipolytic, lipogenic, immune and angiogenic properties of adipose tissue: a hypothesis-generating study in breast cancer survivors. Sci Rep, 11, 8171.


  • VARALIOVA, Z., VLASAK, R., CIZKOVA, T., GOJDA, J., POTOCKOVA, J., SIKLOVA, M., KRAUZOVA, E., STEPAN, M., BULOW, J., STICH, V. & ROSSMEISLOVA, L. 2020. Lymphatic drainage affects lipolytic activity of femoral adipose tissue in women. Int J Obes (Lond).

  • LAZNICKOVA, P., KEPAK, T., HORTOVA-KOHOUTKOVA, M., HORVATH, L., SHEARDOVA, K., MARCINIAK, R., VACCA, C., SIKLOVA, M., ZELANTE, T., ROSSMEISLOVA, L., KRENOVA, Z., STERBA, J., BENDICKOVA, K. & FRIC, J. 2020. Childhood survivors of high-risk neuroblastoma show signs of immune recovery and not immunosenescence. Eur J Immunol, 50, 2092-2094.

  • KOC, M., SIKLOVA, M., SRAMKOVA, V., STEPAN, M., KRAUZOVA, E., STICH, V. & ROSSMEISLOVA, L. 2020. Signs of Deregulated Gene Expression Are Present in Both CD14(+) and CD14(-) PBMC From Non-Obese Men With Family History of T2DM. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 11, 582732.

  • ČÍŽKOVÁ, T., ŠTĚPÁN, M., DAĎOVÁ, K., ONDRŮJOVÁ, B., SONTÁKOVÁ, L., KRAUZOVÁ, E., MATOUŠ, M., KOC, M., GOJDA, J., KRAČMEROVÁ, J., ŠTICH, V., ROSSMEISLOVÁ, L. & ŠIKLOVÁ, M. 2020. Exercise training reduces inflammation of adipose tissue in the elderly: cross-sectional and randomized interventional trial. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.


  • SRAMKOVA, V., KOC, M., KRAUZOVA, E., KRACMEROVA, J., SIKLOVA, M., ELKALAF, M., LANGIN, D., STICH, V. & ROSSMEISLOVA, L. 2019. Expression of lipogenic markers is decreased in subcutaneous adipose tissue and adipocytes of older women and is negatively linked to GDF15 expression. J Physiol Biochem, 75, 253-262.

  • SRAMKOVA, V., BEREND, S., SIKLOVA, M., CASPAR-BAUGUIL, S., CARAYOL, J., BONNEL, S., MARQUES, M., DECAUNES, P., KOLDITZ, C. I., DAHLMAN, I., ARNER, P., STICH, V., SARIS, W. H. M., ASTRUP, A., VALSESIA, A., ROSSMEISLOVA, L., LANGIN, D. & VIGUERIE, N. 2019. Apolipoprotein M: a novel adipokine decreasing with obesity and upregulated by calorie restriction. Am J Clin Nutr, 109, 1499-1510.

  • SIKLOVA, M., KRAUZOVA, E., SVOBODOVA, B., KRACMEROVA, J., STEPAN, M., KOC, M., STICH, V. & ROSSMEISLOVA, L. 2019. Circulating Monocyte and Lymphocyte Populations in Healthy First-Degree Relatives of Type 2 Diabetic Patients at Fasting and during Short-Term Hyperinsulinemia. Mediators Inflamm, 2019, 1491083.

  • BREZINOVA, M., CAJKA, T., OSEEVA, M., STEPAN, M., DADOVA, K., ROSSMEISLOVA, L., MATOUS, M., SIKLOVA, M., ROSSMEISL, M. & KUDA, O. 2019. Exercise training induces insulin-sensitizing PAHSAs in adipose tissue of elderly women. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids, 158576.


  • SIKLOVA, M., KOC, M., ROSSMEISLOVA, L. & KRAML, P. 2017. Serum oxLDL-beta2GPI complex reflects metabolic syndrome and inflammation in adipose tissue in obese. Int J Obes (Lond).

  • GOJDA, J., ROSSMEISLOVA, L., STRAKOVA, R., TUMOVA, J., ELKALAF, M., JACEK, M., TUMA, P., POTOCKOVA, J., KRAUZOVA, E., WALDAUF, P., TRNKA, J., STICH, V. & ANDEL, M. 2017. Chronic dietary exposure to branched chain amino acids impairs glucose disposal in vegans but not in omnivores. Eur J Clin Nutr, 71, 594-601.

  • DALLE, S., ROSSMEISLOVA, L. & KOPPO, K. 2017. The Role of Inflammation in Age-Related Sarcopenia. Front Physiol, 8, 1045.

  • CUCCHI, F., ROSSMEISLOVA, L., SIMONSEN, L., JENSEN, M. R. & BULOW, J. 2017. A vicious circle in chronic lymphoedema pathophysiology? An adipocentric view. Obes Rev, 18, 1159-1169.

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