Publikační činnost


Pohled do databáze evidence publikační činnosti v systému OBD.

Ve výpisu jsou záznamy publikací s afiliací k 3. LF UK

Vybrané publikace ústavu


  • M. Indrová, J. Rossowska, Elzbieta Pajtasz-Piasecka, R. Mikyšková, J. Richter, J. Rosina, R. Sedlacek, A. Fišerová: The role of immune cell subpopulations in the growth and rejection of TC-1/A9 tumors in novel mouse strains differing in the H2-D haplotype and NKC domain Oncol Lett. 2018 Mar; 15(3): 3594–3601.

  • Ta-Wei Shen, Tang-Jen Liu, Daniel Šuta, Chien-Cheng Lee: Acoustic Perturbation of Breathing: A Newly Discovered Response to Soft Sounds in Rats Using an Approach of Image Analysis; Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, pp 1–11| Cite as

  • Veith, M., Stranak, Z., Pencak, M., Vranova, J., Studeny, P. 25-gauge vitrectomy and gas for the management of rhegmatogenous retinal detachement. Biomed Pap 2018, 162:XX, in press

  • Hepnar, d., Zakova, H., ……… Vranova, J., Adam, P. Recommendations for Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis. Folia Microbiologica, in press

  • Kvasnak, E., Rokyta, R.: Brain stimulation methods for pain treatment (Review); General Physiology and BiophysicsVolume 37, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 477-494

Poslední změna: 20. duben 2023 14:17 

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