• E-Resources
  • E-books, learning portal, databases with e-books

E-books, learning portal, databases with e-books

SVI present Czech and Foreign E-books, Fulltext of Textbooks, Multimedia, Learning Portal or Access to Databases with E-books:

  1. by individual title - free access - (e.g.: Czech Medical E-books on the portal Zdrav centra)

  2. by individual title - access from academic staff and students of 3. FM - access only by intranet faculty - (e.g: Czech Medical E-books from Publishing Grada or Galén)

  3. by multidisciplinary access to foreign documents collections, including Medicine - access by Special Databases - acces from academic staff and students of 3. FM (e.g: Thieme, Books-Ovid, Kluwer-Springer)

  4. by list of internet link to the educational website - e.g. Learning portal of MU's Faculty of Medicine

Electronical Books - fulltext books

Remote Access

Acces from E-Resources at other place - Charles University eResources Portal (PEZ in Czech).

Last change: December 31, 2018 12:30 
Library Catalog

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Quick search for books, journals, databases, e-resources, theses, and more


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