• E-Resources


All available electronic information resources (EIR) are listed et eResources Portal of Charles University (EPCU). There are purchased resources, meta resources, free-trials as well as free/open resources. You can find there databases, e-journal and e-book collections. Access to EIR


  1. on-site access – use in case if you are working with computer connected to the network of the First Faculty of Medicine / General University Hospital. The system will connect you automatically. You do not need any ID or password.

  2. remote access – use in case if you are working with computer out of reach of faculty/hospital network. This access is available just for a staff and students of Charles University (account in Charles University Authentication Service is required).

All resources, provided by Charles University, are made available with Shibboleth and EZproxy technology.

Last change: June 8, 2023 10:56 
Library Catalog

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Quick search for books, journals, databases, e-resources, theses, and more


Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine

Center of Scientific Information

Ruská 87

100 00 Prague 10, Czech Republic

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