
Survey on the purchase of electronic resources

In mid-2025, the 3rd Faculty of Medicine will decide on the purchase of electronic information resources for the period 2026 - 2028. These are:

- UpToDate - a resource for medical practice that provides quick answers to clinical questions, synthetic recommendations for treatment and patient care, and contains a database of drugs and interactions.

- Karger - a collection of e-journals and online guides for doctors, nurses, and medical students.

- Thieme MedOne - a collection of e-book titles from the Thieme publishing house - textbooks, reference guides, and atlases in the field of medicine and nursing.

The prices of these resources range in the hundreds of thousands.

At the instruction of the management, we prepared a survey of interest in the above-mentioned e-resources, because the usage statistics are not sufficiently informative. The resource that may not be extended in the next period due to very high costs is UpToDate.

We kindly ask you to fill out the questionnaire so that we can map the interest and need for the given e-resource for the academic community of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine. The results of the questionnaire survey will help in future decisions about which e-resources will be subscribed to in the next period.

Thank you for your cooperation.



From January 2022, the Amboss fact-finding portal in English will be available at the Third Faculty of Medicine, providing access to an interactive library and tests for medical studies. Amboss is an educational portal designed for medical students and doctors. Access is limited by the number of licenses.

Web of Science Research Assistant

Until 30th April, Charles University has trial access to an AI extension to the Web of Science (WoS) database: Web of Science Research Assistant.

The Assistant is a tool using generative AI that assists users in searching the Web of Science Core Collection, provides reports and visualizations of search results and offers the possibility to explore connections between topics, literature and authors.

The Assistant is available automatically after accessing WoS (it appears in the top bar or on the main page). Please access the WoS only via the eResources Portal.

For more information, please visit the website:

Outside the trial, the Assistant is an add-on functionality that requires an institutional subscription.

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Library Office Hours


Library opening hours :


9–12, 13-16


9–12, 13-17


9–12, 13-16


9–12, 13-17




  • Do you want to return the books, but the library is closed?

    You can return books via bibliobox (in the locker number 7).

  • About a new library platform

    After the summer holidays, you can look forward to a new look of discovery service UKAŽ. In addition to searching for printed and electronic resources from Charles University’s library collections, the new UKAŽ will provide users with direct access to their accounts - everything will be newly available in one place, under one account, with a single online registration to all CU libraries.

    The environment for librarians will change as well – ALMA, a modern library platform. From the coming academic year, Charles University will be the first one in the Czech Republic to provide library services in the same system as Harvard, Leuven, Vienna and other foreign universities.

New Books

Smith & Tanagho's general urologyEssential medical terminology : your lifeboat in the sea of termsPrinciples of imaging methods for medical studentsSelected chapters in orthopedics and traumatology for medical studentsCase files : medical ethics & professionalismNetter's infectious diseases

Library Catalog

Quick search for books, journals, databases, e-resources, theses, and more
Quick search for books, journals, databases, e-resources, theses, and more


Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine

Center of Scientific Information

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