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28. března 2018

Vědecká výstava Dresden-Prague Science Unlimited

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

This notice is a reminder to register for the opening event of the DRESDEN-concept Science Exhibition.

If you have already registered (or cannot attend), you can consult the programm of the opening ceremony in the file attached.

Please feel free to send the following link to others who might be interested in attending the opening event:

We are looking forward to seeing you on 10th April 2018 at 2pm in the Ovocný trh.


Programme of the opening event

Kind regards


Romy Conrad

Dipl.-Verwaltungsbetriebswirtin (VWA)


Koordinatorin der Geschäftsstelle des

DRESDEN-concept e. V.

TU Dresden

01062 Dresden

Tel.: +49 351 46343178


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