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26. února 2018

Podpora pro vytvoření studentských edukačně-výzkumných skupin v rámci projektu CENTRAL-Kollegs

Dear Sir or Madam,

we would like to inform you about the call for applications for the "CENTRAL-Kollegs" offered within the CENTRAL-Network:

-three CENTRAL-Kollegs in Berlin open to all areas of research (funding up to 4800€ per Kolleg)

CENTRAL-Kolleg workshops are a format for research-based learning aimed at junior researchers (doctoral candidates or post-docs) of all partner universities of the CENTRAL-Network (University of Warsaw, University of Vienna, Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Charles University, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) who will develop and implement an independent research project with students. Please see further details in the attached application form.

The application deadline for CENTRAL-Kollegs is April 15, 2018.

The application documents (application form, project outline, CV) can be submitted by email (as one PDF document) to the International Strategy Office at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ( , CENTRAL-Network office).

For more information about the network, see To read more about CENTRAL-Kollegs, see

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Kind regards,

on behalf of Dr. Judith Wellen,

Aleksandra Laski

Aleksandra Laski M.A.

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Stabsstelle Internationalisierung / International Strategy Office Unter den Linden 6

10099 Berlin

(+49) 030 2093-20084

*Profile Partnerships: Call for Joint Projects* Apply now: Funding programme for joint research projects with National University of Singapore, Princeton University, Universidade de São Paulo

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