Referát pro zahraniční a vnější vztahy


18. dubna 2018

Medical Elective in Iran-Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

Dear Sir/Madam,

The present letter sets forth to introduce the Medical Elective Program at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) and we highly appreciate your good self's time devoted to studying the proposed subject matter.

Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, founded in 1946, continues the tradition of excellence in education, research and patient care. SUMS educates and trains more than 10,000 students and residents in seventeen schools and has nearly 30,000 employees, including approximately 900 faculty members. From heart disease and immunology to specialty services for women and children, SUMS brings together the world's leading experts in nearly every area of health.

To accomplish its role in education, the University as one of the major hubs of medical education in Iran has always aimed at keeping global interactions to act actively in training international students who care for alleviating human's pains. With the purpose of advocating this goal, SUMS is pleased to provide invaluable hands-on clinical electives for foreign medical students eager to experience healthcare in a unique and professional setting unfamiliar to that they are typically accustomed to.

SUMS' foreign Medical Student Elective Program supports the primary mission of providing an outstanding opportunity of developing elective students' skills and knowledge in handling complicated cases and rarely seen illnesses in SUMS' well-equipped clinical settings. Professionals as mentors generously try to help students broaden their clinical method and management experience, refine their communication and analytic skills, and continue their professional development. The program enables students to profoundly pursue an area of their interests and gain experience of clinical practice in Iran's healthcare system.

Further, SUMS' core specialty and sub-specialty physicians prepare grand rounds and accompany visiting elective students to meet their medical school's elective requirements. Experiencing Medicine in a whole different environment and culture provides this opportunity for elective students to observe a highly eclectic array of clinical procedures in a variety of specialties undertaken in university teaching hospitals. Besides, the following departments can be chosen by prospective applicants based on their interest and set of objectives,

● Department of Anesthesiology

● Department of Ophthalmology

● Department of Cardiology

● Department of Orthopedics

● Department of Community Medicine

● Department of Pathology

● Department of Dermatology

● Department of Pediatrics

●Department of Emergency Medicine

● Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

●Department of ENT

● Department of Psychiatry

●Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

● Department of Radiology

●Department of Internal Medicine

● Department of Radiotherapy

●Department of Neurology

● Department of Surgery

●Department of Neurosurgery

● Department of Urology

●Department of Nuclear Medicine

Medical Elective Placements at SUMS, moreover, is a 4-16 week customized clinical program which demands prospective applicants to be enrolled in their final or penultimate year of study of their medical degree. At the end of the program, a certificate will be honored to the student who has successfully fulfilled all the requirements of the program at the discretion of the allocated mentors who has guided the student on rotation.

If the elective placements available at SUMS meets your university's interest, it must be noted that application is open all year round and the process is designed to be as straightforward as possible while complying with regulatory and visa requirements.

To seek more insight into SUMS' medical elective program, please visit our website at . A brochure is also enclosed to present a brief perception of the program.

Looking forward for further engagements. More information

Faithfully yours,

Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

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