Vážené PhD studentky, vážení PhD studenti,
dovolujeme si informovat, že PhD student z Milána hledá partnery pro studentský minigrant 4EU+. Více informací a kontakt naleznete níže.
PhD programmes to send the invitation to:
Public Health or Economics (if interested in Healthcare organizations)
Idea of the project:
The project envisages investigating, by means of an online questionnaire submitted in the 4EU+ university network, the dissemination with the sustainability concept and the measures implemented in this area by the university hospitals belonging to the university network.
Proponent's contacts:
Pier Mario Perrone - piermario.perrone@unimi.it
Za Referát pro zahraniční a vnější vztahy
M. Bendová
Mobilita |
3. lékařská fakulta
Univerzita Karlova
Ruská 87, 100 00 Praha 10
tel.: +420 267 102 111
IČO: 00216208, DIČ: CZ00216208
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