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16. ledna 2024

Webinar about PhD studies in France

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are pleased to inform you that the French Embassy in the Czech Republic, alongside with the French Embassies in Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland, organizes a webinar about PhD studies in France, on January 24th, 2024.

It will consist of information to get you acquainted with the research landscape in France and the basics of doctoral studies, including funding opportunities, as well as advice on entering a doctoral school, registration, research opportunities, etc. We’ll be joined by French speakers representing several institutions (Campus France, Association Bernard Gregory, France PhD), and PhD students who will share their experience.

More information and the registration link are available on our website:

Please do not hesitate to share this information among students potentially interested in PhD studies, or among PhD student who wish to benefit from a research stay in France.

Many thanks for your cooperation, and feel free to contact me for any question.

Best regards,

Louis Augendre

Referent pro vedeckou spolupráci

Chargé de mission scientifique et universitaire

Francouzský institut v Praze

T+420 221 401 003

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