Vážení studenti,
uskupení Europaeum vyhlásilo fotosoutěž o nejlepší fotografie univerzitních budov (exteriérů i interiérů) zapojených do uskupení Europaeum, tj. Univerzity Karlovy a dalších viz https://europaeum.org/about-us/members/.
Student se může přihlásit zasláním fotografií na adresy euroinfo@europaeum.ox.ac.uk a vratislav.kozak@ruk.cuni.cz do 1. března 2021.
Více informací naleznete níže.
Za Referát pro zahraniční a vnější vztahy
M. Bendová
Do you have a good eye for light, shapes, snapshots? Send us pictures and enter our photography competition!
We are planning for a new website and need lots of good quality images of University buildings, student life etc, and even if you don’t win a prize, you can still have your image(s) featured on our new site!
Prizes to be won:
£100 1st prize
£75 2nd prize
£50 3rd prize
For all images we would like to have the possibility to get permission from the photographer to upload them to our website (with image credit).
If the picture contains people, we would need permission from them to use the image, because of GDPR.
Resolution needs to be around 3000-4000px, preferably HDR, this can be achieved if your camera lens is at least 16MP.
Subjects: University buildings inside and outside (in the Europaeum member network), students in a University setting (we do realise that this is difficult during Covid!!)
Picture format: jpg
If you don’t want to or can’t email large images, you can send us a Google link, or WeTransfer.
We will not use any images we receive without writing to you to get explicit permission.
Submission deadline extended to 1 March
Mobilita |
3. lékařská fakulta
Univerzita Karlova
Ruská 87, 100 00 Praha 10
tel.: +420 267 102 111
IČO: 00216208, DIČ: CZ00216208
Další kontakty a bankovní spojení