EEA and Norway grants ****************************************************************************************** * EEA and Norway grants - CZ07 (Spolupráce škol a stipendia) ****************************************************************************************** Projekt NF-CZ07-ICP-4-4292015 Scientific workshops “DIFFERENT APPROACHES IN NEUROREHABILITATION” Partner: University of Oslo, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital Kontaktní osoba / contact person: doc. PhDr. Kamila Řasová, Ph.D. kamila.rasova(zavinac) [ MAIL "kamila.rasova(zavinac)"] , +420 604 511 4 Klinika rehabilitačního lékařství 3. LF UK a FNKV Department of rehabilitation, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Ruská 87, Praha 10,  100 00 *========================================================================================= * Anotace projektu *========================================================================================= Klinika rehabilitačního lékařství a Neurologická klinika 3. LF UK a FNKV v Praze se ve spo Univerzitou (University of Oslo, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital) díky podpoře Norských fo Norway grants - CZ07, Spolupráce škol a stipendia) věnovala odlišným přístupům v rehabilit nemocných v České republice a Norsku. • Konference v Praze [ URL ""] 26. • Rehabilitace pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou [ URL "3LF-979-version1-medical_tribune.p Medical Tribune *========================================================================================= * Project annotation *========================================================================================= In Europe, examinational and therapeutic approaches used in physical therapy in patients w diseases often appear significantly different. While there is general agreement that rehab an important role in maintaining and improving of their function, no consensus exists on w system and therapeutic approach is the most effective. From literature and previous co-ope that Czech and Norway Health Care systems differ significantly. There are two conceptually physiotherapeutic approaches: facilitation approach represented by Czech partners and task approach represented by Norwegian partners. Two scientific workshops for students and acad staff on topic of Neurorehabilitation (first realized at Third faculty of Medicine, Charle Prague and the second at University of Oslo) were organized to give the opportunity to pre approaches in neurorehabilitation and improve education. • Description of the whole project [ URL "3LF-979-version1-description_of_the_whole_projec • Workshop in Oslo [ URL "3LF-979-version1-programme_of_the_workshop_in_oslo.pdf"] • Abstracts [ URL "3LF-979-version1-csnn_4_16_abstrakta.pdf"]